
Arabic gum Oenogom Bio (2,5 kg)

Code: PCP0339.2,5K
Brand: Laffort
€ 67.21
Out of stock product


Arabic gum Oenogom Bio (2,5 kg)

Pure microgranulated instantly dissolving arabic gum (100% Verek).
Certified organic Arabic gum according to organic production methods specified by European regulations 834/2007 and 889/2008 and in accordance with American regulations (NOP) for organic production. Qualified for the elaboration of products for direct human consumption in the field of the regulated use in Oenology. In accordance with the current EU regulation n° 2019/934 and Food Chemical Codex.


OENOGOM® BIO comes from the best selections of Arabic gums. Stemming from specific botanic species of Acacia (Acacia Verek), Arabic gum is a dry gummy exudate. The specific geographic origin and the natural selection or the most qualitative plant reproductions offer a product of high quality.

OENOGOM® BIO is a new generation stabilising Arabic gum in an instantly dissolving form for a quick and total dissolution in must or wine. The physical treatment of instant dissolution process (IDP) without additives during drying makes of OENOGOM® BIO a product of great physico-chemical purity. It can be used without further filtration.

OENOGOM® BIO is free of additives and preservatives (absence of SO₂)

Oenological applications

Thanks to its composition OENOGOM® BIO and its high content of non-fermentable polysaccharides contributes to:

  • The stabilisation of colouring matter of young red wines. The arabic gum slows the polymerisation phenomenon and the risk of haze in bottle.
  • The colloidal protection by efficiently opposing to amorphous hydrophobic colloid aggregation from physical chemical transformations (iron haze, copper haze).
  • The stabilisation in regards with tartaric precipitations by reinforcing the action of metatartaric acid and by extending the duration of the protection.

Physical characteristics

  • Aspect: granulated
  • Colour: light
  • Odour: none

Chemical and microbilogical analysis

  • Humidity (%): < 10
  • Ashes (on dry product) (%): < 4
  • pH (sol. 25%): 4 - 5
  • E. coli (/g): none
  • Salmonella (/g): none
  • Iron (ppm): ≤ 60 ppm
  • Lead (ppm): ≤ 2
  • Arsenic (ppm): ≤ 3
  • Mercury (ppm): ≤ 1
  • Cadmium (ppm): ≤ 1

Protocol for use

Oenological conditions

OENOGOM® BIO must be incorporated in a polish filtered wine before or after membrane filtration at bottling.
OENOGOM® BIO can be added directly to wine or dissolved in water. Membrane filtration is easier when OENOGOM® BIO is added 24 to 72 hours before bottling.


  • 20 to 30 g/hL (200 – 300 ppm).


Dissolve OENOGOM® BIO in 5 to 6 times its weight in water for effective homogenisation. The use of an OENODOSEUR during incorporation is recommended.

  • For a direct incorporation into wine, an energetic pump-over is recommended for a perfect homogenisation.
  • Do not perform any additional fining operations after the addition of OENOGOM® BIO.
  • Do not mix with other products.
  • Use the product within 3 hours following preparation when dissolved in water.

Storage recommendation

  • Store above ground level in a dry area not liable to impart odours. Ensuring stock is kept at a moderate temperature, in its original, unopened packaging.
  • Optimal date of use: 3 years.


  • 2.5 kg bags

Consult our product datasheet - Safety data sheet

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