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Stainless steel lid for pumping over with DIN 40 M connection
1000 L Refrigerated cone bottom stainless steel tank with air floating lid
New Professional
Refrigerated 1000 L Stainless steel tank with conical bottom with air floating lid and Ø300 manhole
New Professional
Refrigerated 500 L Stainless steel tank with conical bottom with air floating lid and Ø300 manhole
New Professional
300 L Stainless Steel Cone Bottom Tank with Air Floating lid and ∅300 Manhole
New Professional
Refrigerated Storage with Conical Bottom 1000 L with Ø300 Manhole
New Professional
2000 L Stainless Steel Storage Tank Ø1270 with Manhole Ø400
New Professional
2500L Stainless Steel Refrigerated Storage Tank with Conical Bottom and Oval manhole 320x455
Refrigerated Storage with Conical Bottom 500 L with Ø300 Manhole
New Professional
Screw tap for smooth and grafted bottom drum from 10 to 100 L
Stainless steel tank 1000 L Conical 10° Palletisable
New Professional
Stainless steel tank 500 L Conical 10° Palletisable
New Professional
Stainless steel tank 300 L Conical 10° Palletisable
New Professional
700 L stainless steel tank with wheels
New Professional
500 L white plastic tub for dairies
Polsinelli 500 L white plastic tub for dairies € 50.00
230 L white plastic tub for dairies
Polsinelli 230 L white plastic tub for dairies € 26.23
350 L white plastic tub for dairies
Polsinelli 350 L white plastic tub for dairies € 39.34
Refrigerated Storage with conical bottom 500 L
Venturi GA40 tube with porous candle
New Professional
Polsinelli Venturi GA40 tube with porous candle € 245.90
Motorized stainless steel tank 10° conical trunk 500 L
New Professional
Motorized stainless steel tank 10° conical trunk 1000 L
New Professional
Motorized stainless steel tank 10° conical trunk 300 L
New Professional
Polsinelli Motorized stainless steel tank 10° conical trunk 300 L € 1229.51 € 1327.87
Glass jar ERGO 314 ml with high Cap black (24 pieces)
Glass jar ERGO 212 ml with high flip Cap black (24 pieces)
Glass jar ERGO 156 ml with high flip Cap copper (24 pieces)
Glass jar ERGO 156 ml with high flip Cap black (24 pieces)
Glass jar ERGO 156 ml with silver high flip cap (24 pieces)
1500 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom with manhole 420x320
New Professional
1000 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom with manhole 420x320
New Professional
1000 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom with manhole Ø 300
New Professional
300 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom with manhole Ø 300
New Professional
500 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom with manhole Ø 300
New Professional
1500 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom with manhole Ø 300
New Professional
300 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom
New Professional
1000 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom
New Professional
500 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom
New Professional
1500 L Stainless steel tub with 10° Conical Bottom
New Professional
300 L Stainless steel maceration tub with 10° Conical Bottom
New Professional
500 L Stainless steel maceration tub with 10° Conical Bottom
New Professional
1500 L Stainless steel maceration tub with 10° Conical Bottom
New Professional
1000 L Stainless steel maceration tub with 10° Conical Bottom
New Professional
Motorized stainless steel tank 10° conical trunk 1500 L
New Professional
1000 L stainless steel tank with wheels
New Professional
Polsinelli 1000 L stainless steel tank with wheels € 1032.79
500 L stainless steel tank with wheels
New Professional
400 L stainless steel tank with wheels
New Professional
200 L stainless steel tank with wheels
New Professional
Stainless steel tank with conical clamp lid 200 L
Stainless steel tank with conical clamp lid 120 L
Stainless steel tank with conical clamp lid 75 L
380 L stainless steel wine tank with oil floating lid
380 L stainless steel tank
Polsinelli 380 L stainless steel tank € 209.02
380 L stainless steel wine tank with air floating lid
Oak flakes Nobile Fresh (1 kg)
Laffort Oak flakes Nobile Fresh (1 kg) € 15.98
200 L stainless steel tub
Polsinelli 200 L stainless steel tub € 159.84
Grape withering tray 24 L
Polsinelli Grape withering tray 24 L € 7.21
120 liter distiller
Polsinelli 120 liter distiller € 553.28
75 liter distiller
Polsinelli 75 liter distiller € 454.92
Lid for pizza fermentation box
Polsinelli Lid for pizza fermentation box € 5.25
Food-grade plastic pizza box
Polsinelli Food-grade plastic pizza box € 6.56
25 L Plastic Food Drum
Polsinelli 25 L Plastic Food Drum € 16.31
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