Place your order with confidence as all provided payments on Polsinelli website are completely secure.
You can choose among the following payment terms:
This kind of payments have no commissions and are completely safe since the card data are direclty managed from Banca Sella Service also in case you want to save your data for futures purchases.
You can pay with all cards of Visa circuits (Postepay included), Mastercard, My Bank, Unionpay.
American Express and Diners cards owners have to pay with their cards on Paypal.
Once you have confirmed your order, you will be redirected automatically on Paypal site where you can settle
the payment through your account.
You can also use your credit card to make the payment. This option is necessary for American Express and Diners owners.
If you will pay by bank trasfer, your order will be worked out in forecasted times starting from the wire transfer receitp.
Details to settle the bank transfer are:
Polsinelli Enologia SRL Via Carnello 323, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italia P.IVA e C.FISC.: 02380340600 Banca: BANCA POPOLARE DEL CASSINATE Agenzia di Isola del Liri (FR) C/C: 000010696805 ABI: 05372 CAB: 74470 CIN: N IBAN: IT68N0537274470000010696805
Codice SWIFT: POCAIT3c, Codice BIC: POCAIT3c
Important : Please indicate order number on the payment purpose
Cash on Delivery payments are possible only for orders in Italy.
To change the payment method or to repeat it, log in to your account by clicking on the "little man" icon at the top right, go to the "orders" section and you will find the items related to the order that failed in the cart. So just click on the cart and proceed with another payment method.
For any question do not hesitate to contact us to email address: